Saturday, March 31, 2012

Will Kennedy screw us?

Well...the score is 4 Constitution loving Americans to 4 Communist pricks that hate America and want the government to have control over your very life.  In the middle we have Justice Kennedy....the John McCain of the legal world.  Yet another politician that feels that his opinions won't matter to the masses unless he sides with the enemy once in a while in an effort to be viewed as "reasonable."  This case should've been a slam dunk before it ever got this far.  We shouldn't even be having this dialog and, even if we win, there will be a backup plan from the left.  They will NEVER give this idea up as it is their key to absolute domination of the citizenry and the fast track method of trampling the Constitution.  If the government can tell us what to buy, then they can tell us what not to buy..  If the federal government becomes that powerful, then a violent, armed revolution would be imminent if only for the reason that freedom loving patriots have nowhere else left to go and, at that point, will be backed into a corner with only the choice of fight or submit. I know what I'll do.  


  1. Seems like we lost everyone on the blog?????

  2. Joe yes it seems that way. I was just waiting to see if anyone came over to the new blog and it don't look like they did.

  3. I came over just haven't commented on anything.
